Scalescrape Release 0.1.0
I've just released a Scala web scraping library called Scalescrape built on top of Scalext.
It provides a DSL to scrape websites, using internally Akka actors and the Spray client library.
Here's a couple of example of the DSL in action:
private def login(username: String, password: String) =
scrape {
postForm(website.loginForm(username, password)) { response =>
response.asHtml { doc =>
doc.$("title").text match {
case "Login error" => complete(LoginFailed)
case _ =>
cookies { cookies =>
savedCookies = cookies
private def updateAccountEmail(newEmail: String) =
scrape {
withCookies(savedCookies) {
get(website.homePage) { response =>
response.asHtml { doc =>
val currentEmail = doc.$("#account-email").text
if (currentEmail != newEmail) {
post(website.updateAccountEmailRequest(newEmail)) { response =>
response.asJson { jsonResponse =>
(jsonResponse \ "error") match {
case JString(message) => fail
case _ => complete(EmailUpdated)
} else complete(EmailUpToDate)
To find out more read the explained example and documentation on GitHub: